Bubble Foundry

Posts tagged with: OS X

Displaying Unicode Characters in the Scala REPL on OS X
So simple but unforuntately I missed it until now: scala -Dfile.encoding="UTF-8" Now you can go to town with characters like ø and ∫! Oh, and you may want to alias this command in your ~/.profile: alias scala='scala -Dfile.encoding="UTF-8"' Read more – ‘Displaying Unicode Characters in the Scala REPL on OS X’.
Tweaking iTunes Settings
Over the last few iTunes revisions there have been several changes that, in my opinion, have made the iTunes user interface slightly less usable. Luckily, almost all the changes can be reversed by changing the right property values. Here’s the Bash function I wrote today so I can toggle the settings without remembering the special […] Read more – ‘Tweaking iTunes Settings’.
Installing the Google App Engine SDK and Django 1.0.2
This was quite tricky for me, so I’m writing this down to share it with others. Install the SDK Simply download the SDK and install it. On Mac OS X that meant that I mounted the disk image, dragged the SDK app to my applications directory, and launched it. Make sure to give the app […] Read more – ‘Installing the Google App Engine SDK and Django 1.0.2’.